Bring your future to the Present

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You have a long history of employment behind you, and you are looking forward to taking it easy and enjoying your retirement years. If you took out a mortgage early on in your life then you have probably paid off your mortgage now and you’re just waiting for your official retirement age. But if you are at the age of 55 or over then there is an option to retire now by using the option of equity release . Equity release schemes are becoming increasingly popular. They work by using a portion of the value of your home to sustain a comfortable lifestyle; and you can carry on living in your home for the rest of your life. You have the flexibility to do whatever you like with the cash that you release!

Enjoy your life!

So many people feel lost when they retire, as if their sense of purpose has evaporated. But this is the time of your life where you are free to explore the things you always talked about doing ‘if only you had the time and money’. Now you have both! Thanks to equity release you can enjoy your life without having to scrimp and save. So book that ‘Once in a lifetime’ cruise! Or volunteer for the charity that you’ve always wanted to help, because now you can!


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